[IMPORTANT ALERT] Bintray shutdown on May 1st

Following from the recent announcement that Bintray & JCenter will be shutting down we are now busy migrating away from these services for all of our Docker images, Maven libraries and compiled binaries that are still hosted here and will ensure that these migrations are completed ahead of the May 1st shutdown deadline.

Instructions for how we intend to manage the migrations of individual components follow below - in as many cases as possible we are endeavouring to ensure an easy migration from Bintray to either DockerHub or GitHub where the only change you will need to make is in the URL path without needing to perform any urgent upgrades to newer components.

Important note on prior RC releases

If you are using an RC release of a Snowplow asset in production it is important to note that these will not be migrated from Bintray - only final builds will be migrated across.

Docker images

As we have already been doing for sometime, we will be moving all of our Docker images from Bintray into DockerHub: Docker Hub

To ease any transition issues we will be re-uploading all of our old images from Bintray into DockerHub as well so it should be a simple matter of updating the image path without needing to update the actual component.

As an example migrating the Kinesis Stream Collector will be as simple as:

Maven libraries

We have been publishing our Maven libraries to Bintray, JCenter and Maven Central for some time now so transition should be seamless. We will also make sure any differences between JCenter and Maven Central are appropriately synchronized before the Bintray shut down.

To migrate your builds to Maven Central, you should be able to remove any Bintray or JCenter repositories from your configuration and your builds should continue to build as normal.


All binaries that normally would have been uploaded to Bintray will now instead be available from the Github repository releases directly instead. As with the Docker images we will be uploading all old binaries into previously tagged Github releases so that build processes should be easy to update.

As an example migrating SQL Runner to be downloaded from Github instead:

Be notified of future changes

Going forwards we would like to continue proactively informing open source users who opt in about relevant changes to Snowplow technology and the way we host and distribute it. If you would like to receive these notices please log your email address here.