Sorry in advance for the very basic question. I’m trying to implement Snowplow for the first time. I’m following simo ahava’s guide as well as the official ‘Setup Snowplow Open Source on GCP’ article.
However it seems that these two guides are outdated. Simo’s guide is referencing the following url which returns me a blank page. The Snowplow article is referencing a github page<VERSION>.jar that also doesn’t seems to work.
From what I have understand it seems that now Snowplow stream collector should be setup with a docker image. Can someone confirm me that my assumption is right?
Bintray has been retired (by JFrog themselves) but you can find most components including the collector as either a fat jar on the releases page or on Docker Hub if you prefer a Docker container.
Hi Simon,
To follow up on @emilybe post, here is the recording of the Sept Office Hours on Open Source Quick Start You might find that useful.