Failed to report event to Snowplow

Hi, we use Snowplow for tracking user behaviour on our webpage and it works well for most users but I can see in our bugsnag logs that for some of our users it fails to report specifically the trackPageView event, but not other events.

The issue is seen for multiple different browsers (Chrome/Edge/Safari). Could it be related to an Adblock plugin or something like that? Is there a way to know more details about why an event failed in addition to the “Failed to report event to Snowplow” error message?

Where are you seeing this error message and for what tracker? “Failed to report” isn’t an error or exception that the core JS tracker should be raising (or logging).

Hi Mike, we are using @snowplow/browser-tracker: 3.24.4. We get the error from the onRequestFailure function.

If you are on v3 unfortunately the API doesn’t give us a huge amount of information (e.g., the status code) of the failed request back. Your best bet is to check the console / network tab which may have more information about the error - e.g., CORS, timeout etc.

In the latest version of the tracker released recently (v4) we switch to the Fetch API which should hopefully provide more helpful error reporting going forward.

Thanks Mike, unfortunately I fail to reproduce this myself so I can’t see anything in the console / network tab. We will try upgrading to v4.