Hi! I am trying to set snowplow on gcp using terraform and iglu. But when I run terraform apply, I get this error:
I tried to find where the error occurs. Found the instance group and instance, but when I checked their logs, found no errors. The only place where I found errors is Monitoring → Observabiliy Logging → Logs Explorer:
ALERT 2024-03-30T00:19:54.736599Z 2024-03-30 00:19:54.736 UTC [21]: [1-1] db=cloudsqladmin,user=cloudsqladmin FATAL: the database system is starting up
ALERT 2024-03-30T00:19:54.736799Z 2024-03-30 00:19:54.736 UTC [23]: [1-1] db=cloudsqladmin,user=cloudsqladmin FATAL: the database system is starting up
ALERT 2024-03-30T00:19:54.737653Z 2024-03-30 00:19:54.737 UTC [22]: [1-1] db=cloudsqladmin,user=cloudsqladmin FATAL: the database system is starting up
INFO 2024-03-30T00:19:54.743852Z 2024-03-30 00:19:54.743 UTC [20]: [2-1] db=,user= LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
INFO 2024-03-30T00:19:54.970640Z 2024-03-30 00:19:54.970 UTC [7]: [1-1] db=,user= LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
INFO 2024-03-30T00:19:54.971477Z 2024-03-30 00:19:54.971 UTC [27]: [1-1] db=,user= LOG: autovacuum launcher started
INFO 2024-03-30T00:19:58.485710Z 2024-03-30 00:19:58.484 UTC [7]: [2-1] db=,user= LOG: received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
ERROR 2024-03-30T00:19:58.492171Z 2024-03-30 00:19:58.491 UTC [31]: [1-1] db=cloudsqladmin,user=cloudsqladmin ERROR: relation "public.heartbeat" does not exist at character 13
INFO 2024-03-30T00:19:58.492302Z 2024-03-30 00:19:58.491 UTC [31]: [2-1] db=cloudsqladmin,user=cloudsqladmin STATEMENT: INSERT INTO public.heartbeat(id, master_time) VALUES (1, now() at time zone 'utc') ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET master_time = (now() at time zone 'utc');
NOTICE 2024-03-30T00:20:25.179758Z [protoPayload.serviceName: cloudsql.googleapis.com] [protoPayload.methodName: cloudsql.instances.create] [protoPayload.resourceName: projects/snowplowmaksim] [protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail: xxxx@xxxx.com] audit_log, method: "cloudsql.instances.create", principal_email: "xxxx@xxxx.com"