Snowplow Unity Tracker 0.7.0 released

We are excited to announce the release of our Unity Tracker version 0.7.0.

This release adds support for two new Unity platforms – WebGL and tvOS. To support WebGL, it implements a new emitter with the async API. On tvOS, it makes use of an in-memory event store due to the limitation of using persistent file storage on the platform. It also stores session information in PlayerPrefs instead of file storage on tvOS and WebGL.


  • Add support for WebGL (#2) (thanks to @bawahakim)
  • Add in memory event store and enable it on tvOS by default (#74)
  • Store session in PlayerPrefs on Web and tvOS (#76)


You may download the package in the Releases section on Github.

To upgrade, delete the existing SnowplowTracker folder from your Assets/Plugins and import the new unitypackage file. If you need Newtonsoft.Json in your version of Unity you will receive build warnings which you can resolve by installing Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity.

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