Snowplow Flutter Tracker 0.4.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter tracker 0.4.0!

This release upgrades the underlying iOS and Android trackers to version 5. In version 5, the trackers were rewritten to Swift and Kotlin. This also changes the minimum iOS deployment target changed from 9.0 to 11.0. On Android, the compileSdkVersion has been changed to 33.

The release also brings the ability to set custom HTTP request headers for requests to the Snowplow collector.


  • Add configuration for setting custom HTTP headers for requests to the collector (#34)
  • Upgrade underlying iOS and Android trackers to version 5 (#36)

Under the hood

  • Remove deprecated kotlin-android-extensions plugin in example app (#35)
  • Upgrade JavaScript tracker in the example app to version 3.13

The project’s source code can be found here . Check out the Snowplow Docs section for more information about setting up and using the tracker. The package is published on as snowplow_tracker.