Snowplow Android and iOS Trackers version 5.0.0-alpha.1

We are excited to announce our plans for the version 5 of our mobile trackers Snowplow iOS Tracker and Android Tracker. In addition, we are releasing the first alpha pre-release of the v5 trackers.

The major enhancement is the modernization of the trackers – we will migrate the iOS tracker from Objective-C to Swift and the Android tracker from Java to Kotlin. This opens up a range of exciting new possibilities for the trackers. They will provide APIs that work better with modern Swift and Kotlin apps. We will also be able to bring new features to the trackers such as autotracking for SwiftUI. The modern programming languages will enable a safer implementation of core features of the trackers. Finally, they will enable us to simplify the tracker code and build system, making it easier to contribute to and maintain the trackers moving forward.

Version 5 will also bring other new features to the trackers that we are already excited about. We will announce these as we progress on them and publish next pre-releases. Stay tuned!

If you are interested in testing the experimental alpha 1 release, we would appreciate your feedback!

Snowplow Android Tracker version 5.0.0-alpha.1 is available on Maven Central.
The project’s source code can be found here.

Snowplow iOS Tracker version 5.0.0-alpha.1 is available on Swift Package Manager (SPM) and Cocoapods.
The project’s source code can be found here.
You can add the dependency to your Package.swift on SPM as:

.package(url: "", "5.0.0-alpha.1"),