Is there any reason all the Snowplow docs online have the enricher and collector using exclusively ec2 instances. Could I easily use container instances for these components? Our team is also considering moving the lambda pieces into a container too.
Can you forsee any issues with either approach? Or do you know of others who have successfully done this?
ec2 tends to make the provisioning easy for a lot of customers but there’s absolutely nothing to stop you using containers - that’s in fact what we use for Snowplow BDP.
re: Lambdas - unless you are operating at very low volumes Lambdas (AWS) tend to be significantly more expensive with less desirable latency characteristics compared to just running something as a container (e.g., Fargate, k8s).
Our quickstart guides are designed to get folks up and running quickly and generally the easiest way to do that is a simple deployment onto EC2. Our production deployments generally use EKS / Fargate.
The production deployments are part of our commercial Snowplow BDP product. The community version follows a quick start rather than the fully fledged HA deployments as part of BDP.