We are working internally on migrating everything to run properly on top of EKS and will also be looking to release Helm Charts along with it - so can also answer questions on how to get started with Snowplow Components on EKS as well!
Hi @brad.inscoe, I am currently trying to switch snowplow from GCE to GKE, not found much resources and tutorials online. Would you mind sharing any steps or scripts? Thanks!
We are working on getting snowplow deployed in k8s in our own data centers.
It is no easy journey I think. Have had to write our own helm charts and done some extension to the docker images to get the right log format. Still have not gotten metrics in from all components.
I don’t suppose you have any news or updates when this might be available. We would want to start migrating to EKS this year hopefully and this would be of huge benefit to us.
Hey Rob! So all the services should already work on EKS actually now - we have not setup Helm Charts for everything but we did create some helpful generic charts that you can leverage to deploy the various services.
You can use the OIDC authentication scheme to bind IAM roles to the pods to grant them access to services like Kinesis, S3 etc that you need. We haven’t done a blog post or anything like that on this yet but as far as I am aware it should all work now.
Are there particular resources missing that would be helpful for you to get started moving across?
Hi, I have created helm chart github.com/lukaspastva/helm-snowplow
however it is still not working for me because there is no support for input from kafka for snowplow-postgres-loader
please note, im talking purely k8s even big data part is in postgre and instead of pubsub i have strimzi