Snowplow for €0.02/day with Terraform, dbt, Docker and BigQuery

Hi all! I had a lot of fun recently trying to make Snowplow as simple as possible to start with. I decided to use the Snowplow Docker containers (collector, enricher, loader, etc.) on Google Cloud Run (serverless containers) and BigQuery as a database. I wanted it to be an end-to-end pipeline for my own blog that could be easily visualised, so of course the Snowplow dbt packages had to be included as well. The whole process turned into a 6000-word monstrosity of a blog post after some great discussions at Measurecamp Copenhagen. But I think it can be a great introduction to Snowplow, Terraform and dbt, so I’m curious to get your thoughts and experiences in getting people to try out Snowplow and/or running Snowplow as cheap as possible.


This is really exciting @dumky and is a great way for people to play with Snowplow for cheap! I also learnt a lot about Terraform.