More Feedback wanted! dbt packages snowplow-utils and snowplow-web 0.14.0 release candidate 2 released!

Hot off the heels of release candidate 1 comes release candidate 2 for our web and utils dbt packages! As a reminder this release focused on deprecating our custom snowplow_incremental materialization and some other small macros for a cleaner experience with new materialization features but the same performance.

This release candidate includes a fix for when your scratch table has no data in for the range of that run meaning it will no longer error, and does specific type casting in case your upsert_date_key is not a timestamp column. Some other macros have also been deprecated and we’ve migrated our consent and custom example models to the new approach.

As a reminder users will need to add the following to their dbt_project.yml to benefit from the enhancements:

# dbt_project.yml
  - macro_namespace: dbt
    search_order: ['snowplow_utils', 'dbt']

Please let us know if you have any feedback or encounter any issue, we are now planning to make a final release in the next few weeks with other packages to follow by the end of April.

Snowplow dbt web 0.14.0-rc2


  • Migrate from get_cluster_by and get_partition_by to get_value_by_target_type
  • Migrate consent and custom models to use new materialization
  • Remove snowplow__incremental_materialization variable


  • Small typo fixes
  • Small update to readme

Snowplow dbt utils 0.14.0-rc2


  • Deprecate get_cluster_by and get_partition_by macro in favor of get_value_by_target_type
  • Remove type_string() and rework type_max_string() to prioritize dbt logic where possible
  • Fix inability to progress when scratch table contained no data
  • Ensure type consistency for the upsert_date_key throughout query

Under the hood

  • Remove all internal references to snowplow_incremental materialization
  • Migrate tests to new materialization approach
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