WAITING_FOR_HEALTHY_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED sp-iglu-server-dxx6 asia-east1-c Verifying Jun 17, 2023, 2:47:53 PM UTC+05:30 Waiting for HEALTHY state timed out (autohealingPolicy.initialDelay=300 sec) for instance projects/skilled-orbit-389912/zones/asia-east1-c/instances/sp-iglu-server-dxx6 and health check projects/skilled-orbit-389912/global/healthChecks/sp-iglu-server.
Hi @Rohit_Dani can you check what the logs from the instance say? What this generally means is that the launch script never completed successfully as the health check never went green which prevent the instance group from moving out of “creating” phase.
@Josh I dont see any error logged on the instance. Where as while executing the pipeline terraform apply I am getting error as Quota Exceeded for IP Addresses.
That would be your issue then @Rohit_Dani - you will need to ask Google to raise your Public IP Address quota so that you can deploy the required services.
Can you help me to understand if I need to do extra steps other than what we have in terraform script so that the Health Check can access the VM instance ? I think that the health checks are failing for Iglu Instance Server causing timeout.
If you have hit your IP Address quota it will prevent any servers from launching. If thats the case then no health-checks will pass as no VMs will be able to be deployed - once you resolve the quota issue it should (hopefully) all fall into place!
Okay thanks. But I see the VM Instance is up and running for that particular instance group still health checks are failing… Also I don’t see any error in logs.
Could you paste what you see in the logs here please? Or some screenshots of what you are seeing for these VMs? Its really difficult to help debug this without a lot more information on whats not working!