Enable https on collector; ALB cannot target ECS

Hi @dadasami how you have configured the collector you are forcing the connection to be upgraded to TLS without having a valid TLS connection.

IF you want to terminate TLS at the load balancer you should update your config like so:

 # optional SSL/TLS configuration
 ssl {
   enable = false
   # whether to redirect HTTP to HTTPS
   redirect = false
   port = 9543

IF you do want to use the TLS port on the Collector you need to configure a local SSL certificate private key for the collector to use - to generate a self-signed cert in bash you would do something like this:

mkdir -p ${ssl_dir}

sudo openssl req \
  -x509 \
  -newkey rsa:4096 \
  -keyout ${ssl_dir}/collector_key.pem \
  -out ${ssl_dir}/collector_cert.pem \
  -days 3650 \
  -nodes \
  -subj "/C=UK/O=Acme/OU=DevOps/CN=*.acme.com"

sudo openssl pkcs12 \
  -export \
  -out ${ssl_dir}/collector.p12 \
  -inkey ${ssl_dir}/collector_key.pem \
  -in ${ssl_dir}/collector_cert.pem \
  -passout pass:

sudo chmod 644 ${ssl_dir}/collector.p12

You then configure the path to the “p12” file in your config:

  ssl-config {
    debug = {
      ssl = true

    keyManager = {
      stores = [
        {type = "PKCS12", classpath = false, path = "/snowplow/ssl/collector.p12", password = "" }

    loose {
      disableHostnameVerification = true

Note: If you are using a verified certificate you should not disable hostname verification.