Enable https on collector; ALB cannot target ECS

We set up the health check on route 53 and it looks good. However, the health check on the target group shows that the hosts are unhealthy. It seems the connection between ALB and the ECS is broken.

Our collector config is as follows:

collector {
 # The collector runs as a web service specified on the following interface and port.
 interface =
 port = 8000

 # optional SSL/TLS configuration
 ssl {
   enable = true
   # whether to redirect HTTP to HTTPS
   redirect = true
   port = 9543

The security groups code snippet for ALB and the target group in terraform:

resource "aws_security_group" "lb" {
  name        = "${var.load_balancer_security_group_name}-${var.stage}"
  description = "controls access to the ALB"
  vpc_id      = var.vpc_id

  ingress {
    protocol    = "tcp"
    from_port   = var.ssl_port
    to_port     = var.ssl_port
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  egress {
    protocol    = "tcp"
    from_port   = var.container_port
    to_port     = var.container_port
    security_groups = [aws_security_group.ecs_tasks.id]

resource "aws_security_group" "ecs_tasks" {
  name        = "${var.ecs_tasks_security_group_name}-${var.stage}"
  description = "allow inbound access from the ALB only"
  vpc_id      = var.vpc_id
  egress {
    protocol    = "-1"
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    cidr_blocks = [""]

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "ingress_for_ecs" {
  description = "This rule defines the ingress to ecs sg to avoid cyclic dependency."
  type              = "ingress"
  from_port         = var.container_port
  to_port           = var.container_port
  protocol          = "tcp"
  source_security_group_id = aws_security_group.lb.id
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.ecs_tasks.id

We are not sure what to choose as a container port while operating on https, 8000 or 9543?

In the CloudWatch we also see REST interface bound to both 8000 and 9543 ports as seen in the screenshot.

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Unfortunately, I am still stuck with this issue. Collector container returns code 143. This is how I changed the security groups:

resource"aws_security_group""lb" {​​​​​​​​
name ="${​​​​​​​​var.load_balancer_security_group_name}​​​​​​​​-${​​​​​​​​var.stage}​​​​​​​​"
description ="Application Load Balancer Security Group for the inbound (https) and outbound (container) connections"
vpc_id =var.vpc_id
ingress {​​​​​​​​
protocol ="tcp"
from_port =var.ssl_port
to_port =var.ssl_port
cidr_blocks =[""]
ingress {​​​​​​​​
protocol ="tcp"
from_port =var.green_ssl_port
to_port =var.green_ssl_port
cidr_blocks =[""]
egress {​​​​​​​​
protocol ="tcp"
from_port =var.container_ssl_port
to_port =var.container_ssl_port
security_groups =[aws_security_group.sp_collector_ecs_tasks.id]
tags ={​​​​​​​​
Environment = var.stage
SnowplowModule = var.snowplow_module
resource"aws_security_group""sp_collector_ecs_tasks" {​​​​​​​​
name ="${​​​​​​​​var.ecs_tasks_security_group_name}​​​​​​​​-${​​​​​​​​var.stage}​​​​​​​​"
description ="Traffic to the collector cluster should only come from the ALB"
vpc_id =var.vpc_id
egress {​​​​​​​​
protocol ="tcp"
from_port =var.ssl_port
to_port =var.ssl_port
cidr_blocks =[""]
egress {​​​​​​​​
protocol ="tcp"
from_port =53
to_port =53
cidr_blocks =[""]
egress {​​​​​​​​
protocol ="udp"
from_port =53
to_port =53
cidr_blocks =[""]
resource"aws_security_group_rule""ingress_for_ecs" {​​​​​​​​
description ="This rule defines the ingress to ecs sg to avoid cyclic dependency."
type ="ingress"
from_port =var.container_ssl_port
to_port =var.container_ssl_port
protocol ="tcp"
source_security_group_id =aws_security_group.lb.id
security_group_id =aws_security_group.sp_collector_ecs_tasks.id

Do I need to set the following block following the instructions here:

ssl-config {
  keyManager = {
    stores = [
      {type = "PKCS12", classpath = false, path = ${CERT_FILE}, password = "pass" }

If yes, would you please guide me how to do it?

Hi @dadasami how you have configured the collector you are forcing the connection to be upgraded to TLS without having a valid TLS connection.

IF you want to terminate TLS at the load balancer you should update your config like so:

 # optional SSL/TLS configuration
 ssl {
   enable = false
   # whether to redirect HTTP to HTTPS
   redirect = false
   port = 9543

IF you do want to use the TLS port on the Collector you need to configure a local SSL certificate private key for the collector to use - to generate a self-signed cert in bash you would do something like this:

mkdir -p ${ssl_dir}

sudo openssl req \
  -x509 \
  -newkey rsa:4096 \
  -keyout ${ssl_dir}/collector_key.pem \
  -out ${ssl_dir}/collector_cert.pem \
  -days 3650 \
  -nodes \
  -subj "/C=UK/O=Acme/OU=DevOps/CN=*.acme.com"

sudo openssl pkcs12 \
  -export \
  -out ${ssl_dir}/collector.p12 \
  -inkey ${ssl_dir}/collector_key.pem \
  -in ${ssl_dir}/collector_cert.pem \
  -passout pass:

sudo chmod 644 ${ssl_dir}/collector.p12

You then configure the path to the β€œp12” file in your config:

  ssl-config {
    debug = {
      ssl = true

    keyManager = {
      stores = [
        {type = "PKCS12", classpath = false, path = "/snowplow/ssl/collector.p12", password = "" }

    loose {
      disableHostnameVerification = true

Note: If you are using a verified certificate you should not disable hostname verification.