Cookie Extractor Format Output


I want to ask about cookie extractor format. As default it will be shown like

                  "contexts_org_ietf_http_cookie_1": [
                         "name": "Language",
                         "value": "Malay"
                         "name": "Currency",
                         "value": "MYR"
                         "name": "Country",
                         "value": "US"

Can we change it into something like :

                     "contexts_org_ietf_http_cookie_1": [
                             "Language": "Malay",
                             "Currency": "MYR",
                             "Country" : "US"

Thank you

Hi @hamrio, no, I’m afraid that’s not possible. Your suggested alternative doesn’t validate against the JSON Schema for a cookie, and it’s not semantically correct (you are trying to flatten multiple cookies into a single cookie entity using the cookie name as a key).

Hi Alex,

Oh okay… I need to do some work around for represent the data then.

Thank you for your explanation