Assistance with Snowplow Java Tracker

I have implemented a snowplow java tracker with 0.10.1. I am sending structured events. The issue is with my custom fields not appearing at the end of the data pipeline. This works from our UI interface with the javascript tracker with the custom fields. I am sending a custom context with our company schema and associated data. Anyone have experience with the custom context or an example of java snowplow version of building this SelfDescribingJSON

Adding custom contexts to a structured event should look something like this:

// Create a Map
Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("company_id", "1234");
dataMap.put("company_name", "my company");

// Create SelfDescribingJson
SelfDescribingJson context = new SelfDescribingJson("iglu:com.acme/company/jsonschema/1.0.0", dataMap);

// Add to list of contexts
List<SelfDescribingJson> contexts = new ArrayList<>();

// Track event with contexts