Snowplow-utils 0.12.1 dbt package released

We are very happy to announce the release of the snowplow-utils v.0.12.1 dbt package.

This release adds the capability to exclude unwanted versions from the combine_column_version macro under the new exclude_versions argument for the macro. It accepts a list of versions to be excluded. This change was suggested and contributed by a Snowplow user, thanks Bethanie!


  • Exclude specific entity versions from combine_column_version macro (Close #91)

Hey @Emiel

Getting a weird error trying to install this…

  - package: snowplow/snowplow_utils
    version: 0.12.1
  - package: snowplow/snowplow_web
    version: 0.9.2
  - package: snowplow/snowplow_mobile
    version: 0.5.3
Version error for package snowplow/snowplow_utils: 
Could not find a satisfactory version from options: 
['=0.12.1', '>=0.12.0', '<0.13.0', '>=0.11.0', '<0.12.0'] Code: 10006

I even copied and pasted from dbt - Package hub just in case I did something silly.

I’m going to guess it’s because snowplow_mobile hasn’t been updated to support the new version of dbt_utils; so I can’t upgrade the other packages yet.

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Hey @angelsk,

Thank you for raising this error! You’re right, the snowplow_mobile package depends on an older version of snowplow_utils ([‘>=0.11.0’, ‘<0.12.0’]) causing a conflict when installing alongside the snowplow_web package which uses the latest snowplow_utils release ([‘>=0.12.0’, ‘<0.13.0’]).

We will get our package dependancies updated to use the latest version of snowplow_utils and will let you know as soon as this is released.

To get this working in the meantime, please use an older version of the snowplow_web package:

  - package: snowplow/snowplow_web
    version: 0.8.0
  - package: snowplow/snowplow_mobile
    version: 0.5.3
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Hi @angelsk,

Our latest release of the snowplow-mobile v0.5.4 dbt package resolves the error you raised. Please upgrade to use the latest package versions:

  - package: snowplow/snowplow_web
    version: 0.9.3
  - package: snowplow/snowplow_mobile
    version: 0.5.4
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Thank you!