Snowplow upgrade

Hi @Srashti

Collector version 2.3.0 to 2.4.1

I recommend going all the way to version 2.4.5, which fixes a few bugs and fixes security vulnerabilities compared to 2.4.1. In most cases the upgrade from 2.3.0 is very easy; there is nothing you need to change in your configuration. But if you terminate SSL at the collector then it’s a little bit more complicated because the SSL configuration changed, as described here in the docs.

Enricher from beam enrich 2.0.1 (dataflow job )to enrich pubsub 2.0.3(app engine)

The latest version is 2.0.5. It’s good that you are moving to enrich-pubsub, because the dataflow version will soon be deprecated. Our docs site has plenty of information on how to run enrich-pubsub. Compared to the dataflow version, it has a different command line and config file.

Bqloader from 0.6.4(dataflow) to 1.0.1 (on appnegine)
Repeater Mutator to 1.0.1 (from VM to appengine)

The latest version is 1.1.0. To help you upgrade from 0.6.4 you could check out this upgrade guide on our docs site or this discourse announcement.

Gcsloader from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2 (still remains dataflow)

This upgrade should be simple. The command line and configuration options remain the same.

Good luck! You should be able to upgrade in any order, because all applications are compatible with each other.