Snowplow unified 0.4.0 released!

We are happy to announce the release of snowplow unified 0.4.0! This release mostly fixes an issue with not having a unique key in the conversions table. Because of this, you will need to either do a full refresh or manually run some SQL listed in our migration guide.


This release adds a surrogate key to the conversions table, in case of an event being valid against multiple conversion types, and fixes an issue with bigquery if snowplow was in your project name.

:rotating_light: Breaking Changes :rotating_light:

  • Adds a new surrogate key to the optional conversions table, to allow for the same event to be part of multiple conversions


  • Fix an issue where having snowplow in your project name caused issue when using a bigquery target


Bump the snowplow-unified version in your packages.yml file. If you already make use of the conversions table and wish to not do a full refresh, you can add the new column by following the migration guide here.