Snowplow React Native Tracker 1.3.0 and WebView Tracker 0.2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of our React Native Tracker version 1.2.0 along with the WebView tracker version 0.2.0.

These releases enable tracking events in Web views embedded in React Native hybrid apps. Events can be tracked using the WebView tracker package and are forwarded to the React Native tracker to be tracked with the same session and other context entities as other events. Read more in the documentation.

In addition, the React Native tracker now supports anonymous tracking. One can choose to configure user anonymisation (using the userAnonymisation flag in TrackerConfiguration) to anonymise user identifiers in session and platform context and server anonymisation (using the serverAnonymisation flag in EmitterConfiguration) to anonymise the network_userid and user_ipaddress properties assigned by the Collector.

Other improvements include new network configuration options in the React Native tracker – ability to set custom headers and custom POST path. There is also a new example app in the WebView tracker.

React Native Tracker

  • Upgrade Snowplow mobile trackers to v4 (#167)
  • Add anonymous tracking features (#168)
  • Add interface to subscribe for events tracked in Web views (#169)
  • Add option to add custom headers (#165)
  • Enable setting custom path for POST requests (#178)
  • Upgrade internal and demo app dependencies (#172)
  • Remove circular imports of demo app dependencies when running in demo apps (#174)

Documentation: React Native Tracker | Snowplow Documentation
On GitHub: Release 1.3.0 · snowplow/snowplow-react-native-tracker · GitHub
On npm: @snowplow/react-native-tracker - npm

WebView Tracker

  • Add support for React Native (#5)
  • Add example app (#6)
  • Send null values instead of undefined to Android backend (#12)
  • Fix links to README (#9)

Documentation: WebView Tracker | Snowplow Documentation
On GitHub: Release Version 0.2.0 · snowplow-incubator/snowplow-webview-tracker · GitHub
On npm: @snowplow/webview-tracker - npm