Snowplow RDB Loader 3.0.1, 3.0.2 and 3.0.3 released

We are very pleased to announce multiple patch releases we’ve been making for RDB Loader over the last couple of weeks.

The changes are mostly dependency upgrades and bug fixes. However, there are a few notable changes.

The most notable change in these releases is upgrading SchemaDDL to 0.15.0. SchemaDDL is a set of Abstract Syntax Trees and generators for producing various DDL from JSON Schema. SchemaDDL 0.15.0 comes with a few important bug fixes on Redshift DDL side which makes the loader more resilient to load failures with certain types of schema.

There are some changes on Docker images as well. Starting with 3.0.2, we start to publish Docker images for both amd64 and arm64 architectures. Also, the distroless counterpart of the Docker images started to be published starting from version 3.0.2.

The changes in the respective patches:


  • Snowflake Loader: fix folder monitoring copy statement (#851)
  • Snowflake Loader: make default ‘storage.type’ Snowflake (#828)
  • Snowflake Loader: resume warehouse for each loading (#843)


  • Common: bump snowplow-scala-analytics-sdk to 3.0.1 (#872)
  • Common: publish arm64 and amd64 docker images (#875)
  • Common: publish distroless docker image (#877)
  • Common: bump jackson-databind to (#879)


  • Loader: bump version of load_succeeded schema to 3.0.0 (#889)
  • Common: bump schema-ddl to 0.15.0 (#894)

Upgrading to 3.0.3

Aside from bumping the application version, no additional change is required.