Snowplow Micro UI

Hi Snowplow team,

thanks for the nice update of Snowplow Mircro - respectively the UI. I came across an issue with custom contexts: they do not show up in the UI in the good event stream. Only the schema URI is visible, but not the properties as you can see in the screen shot below. Test scenario: local machine, Micro connected to remote Iglu registry.

I restarted Mirco multiple times and tested different event, unfortunately without luck.

Thanks @davidher_mann for letting us know, @Jack_Keene will look into this and see what we can do!

Hi @davidher_mann, could you try going into the event section and then looking at the contexts there?

Currently the UI shows the API response verbatim, and it has various extra fields at the root, but I suspect having all these a bit confusing.

Thanks, I could have guessed - they are there. I use the chance to propose a feature request:

A field in the UI where jqlang filters can be applied to only show the part from the API response in which users are interested. Examples:

  • | jq '.[0]' filter the custom contexts of the first event
  • | jq '.[0] | map(select(.schema == ""))' filter a specific custom contexts of the first event
  • | jq '.[1].event.derived_contexts' filter the derived contexts
  • | jq '.[0].errors' filter the error in bad stream

That would be useful e.g. in interactive JavaScript enrichment testing.

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Now that is a great idea :slight_smile: