Snowplow JavaScript Tracker v3 Beta release & webinar

We’re pleased to announce the Beta release of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker v3! We’re looking for feedback and testers before the final release (currently scheduled for 30th March).

Webinar - March 18th

We’re hosting a product office hours and meetup on Thursday where I’ll be running through the new tracker, the changes and a quick demo of using it in a react app. If that isn’t exciting enough, during the meetup we’ll have a special guest who is a shark scientist! Actual sharks! You can register here: Product Office Hours | Snowplow

Snowplow JavaScript Tracker v3 Beta


  • Available on NPM as @snowplow/browser-tracker. Install with npm install @snowplow/browser-tracker@next for the latest beta release.
  • Now with configurable (and extendable) plugin architecture.
  • Plugins also published on NPM (e.g. @snowplow/browser-plugin-ad-tracking, @snowplow/browser-plugin-consent and many more).
  • New debug mode which you enable as a plugin, see NPM.
  • (BREAKING CHANGE) New tracking API, pass objects rather than parameter lists (e.g. window.snowplow('trackPageView', { title: 'My Website', contexts: [ ... ] }); )
  • Published as traditional sp.js (69 KB - 22 KB gzipped) and new sp.lite.js (37 KB - 13 KB gzipped). sp.lite.js has Page View, Self Describing and Structured Events as well as Activity Tracking and Anonymous Tracking.
  • sp.js and sp.lite.js are available on jsDelivr and unpkg (and cdnjs following release). Plugins are also available on jsDelivr and unpkg.
  • Plugins can be used with sp.js. See below for examples.
  • Build your own sp.js by following the setup instructions in the README and editing /trackers/javascript-tracker/tracker.config.js .
  • This repo is now a fancy @microsoft/rush monorepo.
  • No more lodash!
  • Completely rewritten in TypeScript, shipped with full type support.
  • Still supports IE9 and Safari 8 :grimacing:
  • Removed f_ feature fields, Optimizely Classic and Parrable tracking from default sp.js (still available as plugins).

Quick start

To test the new @snowplow/browser-tracker along with tracking some events, heres a couple of lines of code that should get you started:

import { newTracker, trackPageView } from "@snowplow/browser-tracker";
import { AdTrackingPlugin, trackAdClick } from "@snowplow/browser-plugin-ad-tracking";
import { PerformanceTimingPlugin } from "@snowplow/browser-plugin-performance-timing";

newTracker('sp1', '{{collector_url}}', { 
  appId: 'my-app-id', 
  plugins: [ PerformanceTimingPlugin(), AdTrackingPlugin() ],
  eventMethod: 'post'

function trackAnEvent() {
  trackAdClick({targetUrl: '', advertiserId: '1234-5678'});

If you’re looking to test out the classic sp.js then you’ll find it in the usual Github Releases section, tagged as a pre-release. There is a big breaking change between this version and v2, and that is all functions now accept an object rather than a list of parameters. I’ve put a couple of examples below:


window.snowplow('trackPageView', {
  title: 'My Title',
  context: [
      schema: 'iglu:org.schema/WebPage/jsonschema/1-0-0',
      data: {
        keywords: ['tester'],

window.snowplow('trackSelfDescribingEvent', {
  event: {
    schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_impression/jsonschema/1-0-0',
    data: {
      bannerId: 'ASO01043',
  context: [],
  timestamp: { type: 'ttm', value: 1477401868 },

window.snowplow('enableActivityTracking', { minimumVisitLength: 15, heartbeatDelay: 15 });

Using Plugins with sp.js and sp.lite.js

You initialise your tracker as normal:

window.snowplow('newTracker', 'sp1', '', {
  appId: 'simple-test-1',
  eventMethod: 'post'

You can then dynamically load an external script plugin:

window.snowplow('addPlugin', ['snowplowPerformanceTiming', 'PerformanceTimingPlugin'], '');
window.snowplow('addPlugin:sp1', ['snowplowAdTracking', 'AdTrackingPlugin'], '');

Or you can inject a Plugin object in:

window.snowplow('addPlugin:sp1', 'SimpleContextPlugin', {
  SimpleContextPlugin: function() {
    return {
      contexts: function() {
        return [
          schema: 'iglu:com.acme/my_custom_context/jsonschema/1-0-0',
          data: {
            id: '1234'

When using @snowplow/browser-tracker, you can simply add plugins whenever you like:

import { newTracker, addPlugin } from "@snowplow/browser-tracker";
import { AdTrackingPlugin } from "@snowplow/browser-plugin-ad-tracking";

newTracker('sp1', '{{collector_url}}', { 
  appId: 'my-app', 
  plugins: [ ]

addPlugin({plugin: AdTrackingPlugin()});

Additional Documentation

Further documentation will be available before the final release on



3.0.0-beta.2 is now available. The changes from 3.0.0-beta.1:

  • The tracker should now be importable in Next.js when using SSR without throwing window is not defined.
  • The Parrable Plugin has been deprecated and removed following feedback in #925
  • Fixed some types on ecommerce cart events


3.0.0-beta.3 is now available. The changes from 3.0.0-beta.2:

  • We are now also publishing the Node.js Tracker from this monorepo repository as @snowplow/node-tracker
    @snowplow/node-tracker - npm (Documentation updates coming soon)
  • Now exporting the BrowserTracker and TrackerConfiguration interfaces from @snowplow/browser-tracker
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:busstop: :bus: :bus:
Much like buses, you wait and then two come along at once! This release comes so close to the last one as the TypeScript version issue was blocking additional testing.


3.0.0-beta.4 is now available. The changes from 3.0.0-beta.3:

  • Remove named tuple usage to lower required TypeScript version. The trackers should now work in TypeScript version 3.5+.
  • Export Plugin Interfaces for Browser and Core plugins to help with building custom plugins in your own codebase.