Snowplow JavaScript Tracker 2.11.0 released with GDPR context

We are pleased to announce a new release of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker. Version 2.11.0 introduces a method for attaching information about the GDPR basis for processing to all events tracked, as well as changes to the test and deployment process and a bugfix for form focus events.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t the new release be available @

Hi @evaldas,

Our strategy on distribution has changed recently and assets are deployed to GitHub instead of Cloudfront.

Related issue is here and release notes are here where you can find sp.js file under Assets header.


@oguzhanunlu thanks for the explanation. I guess this is not recommended to use directly on client-side due to github response time but rather self-host it or maybe there’s a public CDN that could host snowplow tracker?

The recommendation is to host it on a CDN that shares a domain with your website.

@Colm whats the advantage of having it on same domain? As its loaded on client side it should matter I guess just the fetch speed.

You may get a speed advantage, but also some adblockers (depending on user settings) will prevent the asset from loading if it appears to come from a third party domain.

If you’re using the tracker as a first party asset, hosting it on the same domain will ensure it’s treated as such.

@Colm ah I see, thanks for the tip!

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