Snowplow Java Tracker 0.12.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of our Java Tracker version 0.12.1.

This patch release updates the dependencies to their latest versions.

Under the hood:

  • Bump junit to 4.13.2 (#330)
  • Bump mockwebserver to 4.9.3 (#329)
  • Bump junit-jupiter-api to 5.8.2 (#328)
  • Bump guava to 31.1-jre (#327)
  • Bump jackson-databind to (#326)
  • Bump slf4j-simple to 1.7.36 (#325)
  • Bump slf4j-api to 1.7.36 (#324)
  • Bump okhttp to 4.9.3 (#323)
  • Bump httpasyncclient to 4.1.5 (#322)
  • Bump commons-codec to 1.15 (#321)


Java tracker version 0.12.1 is available on Maven Central, or GitHub.
The project’s source code can be found here .