Snowplow Android Tracker version 2.2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of our Android Tracker version 2.2.0.

This version reverts a breaking change introduced with the version 2.0.
The application_install event reports the time when the app has been launched for the first time after the installation.
Since the version 2.0 that timestamp is added in the true_timestamp field of the event.
Unfortunately, we noticed that it can be cause of issues on data-modelling because the true_timestamp is directly applied to the derived_timestamp field and it’s not adapted to the time of the collector (collector_timestamp). The problem is visible when the user device has the device time set on the future, because the derived_timestamp wouldn’t be corrected and would store the application_install event as happened in the future.

Since this version, we set the application_install timestamp in the device_created_timestamp. In this way, a wrong time setting in the user device wouldn’t affect the correctness of the derived_timestamp in the data model.


Bug fixes:

  • Set application install timestamp on device timestamp field (#462)


  • Set amended v_tracker indicating wrapper tracker version (#465)
  • Remove bufferOption tests (#464)

Snowplow Android Tracker version 2.2.0 is available on Maven Central.
The project’s source code can be found here.