Since we have to use aws federated credentails, we need to slightly modify your source code then re-build the jar. But after downloading your source code and building it (without any changes yet) under snowplow-r89-plain-of-jars/3-enrich/emr-etl-runner/, we got the following err:
[Coveralls] Outside the CI environment, not sending data.
Runing Rake
Unable to detect bundler spec under ‘/Users/bjff/.rvm/gems/jruby-’’ and its sub-dirs
cat: deploy/snowplow-emr-etl-runner.jar: No such file or directory
I was drawn away by other projects for the last two months, and now back to this issue again. As said, we cannot use “access_key_id/secret_access_key” in config.yml, so I changed the emr_jobs.rb:
Elasticity.configure do |c|
if config[:aws][:access_key_id] == ‘iam’ and config[:aws][:secret_access_key] == ‘iam’ #federated Identity Management
credentials_from_role =
c.access_key = credentials_from_role.access_key_id
c.secret_key = credentials_from_role.secret_access_key
c.session_token = credentials_from_role.aws_session_token
c.access_key = config[:aws][:access_key_id]
c.secret_key = config[:aws][:secret_access_key]
plus a few small changes in Gemfile & Gemfile.lock. But when running “./snowplow-emr-etl-runner --config ${RUNNER_CONFIG} …”, we got this error:
Excon::Error::Forbidden (Expected(200) <=> Actual(403 Forbidden)
:body => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\nInvalidAccessKeyIdThe AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.iam … ".
Any ideas? It looks like more changes may be needed?
Thanks for help,