I’ve been trying to setup snowplow and I’m having issues …
I follow the guide and got the elasticbean setup and I was able to get the emr-etl config.xml working with version r90, the emr cluster starts setting up but it errors when trying to download the rdb logs
root@snowplow:~/emr-etl# ./snowplow-emr-etl-runner --skip staging,archive_raw --config config/config.yml --targets config/targets/ --resolver resolver.json --enrichments file:./enrichments
D, [2017-08-16T14:01:22.054000 #6510] DEBUG -- : Initializing EMR jobflow
D, [2017-08-16T14:01:27.468000 #6510] DEBUG -- : EMR jobflow j-1X4LYCUAUP5XQ started, waiting for jobflow to complete...
I, [2017-08-16T14:01:27.481000 #6510] INFO -- : SnowplowTracker::Emitter initialized with endpoint http://collector.namastetech.me:80/i
I, [2017-08-16T14:01:27.826000 #6510] INFO -- : Attempting to send 1 request
I, [2017-08-16T14:01:27.842000 #6510] INFO -- : Sending GET request to http://collector.namastetech.me:80/i...
I, [2017-08-16T14:01:27.896000 #6510] INFO -- : GET request to http://collector.namastetech.me:80/i finished with status code 200
I, [2017-08-16T14:11:29.152000 #6510] INFO -- : RDB Loader logs
D, [2017-08-16T14:11:29.635000 #6510] DEBUG -- : Downloading s3://ntech-snoplow-data/snowplow-log/rdb-loader/2017-08-16-14-01-22/3465bd73-393e-40a4-a622-6e4106b658af to /root/emr-etl/rdbloader20170816-6510-1qjquf2
E, [2017-08-16T14:11:31.563000 #6510] ERROR -- : Error while downloading RDB log s3://ntech-snoplow-data/snowplow-log/rdb-loader/2017-08-16-14-01-22/3465bd73-393e-40a4-a622-6e4106b658af
E, [2017-08-16T14:11:31.595000 #6510] ERROR -- : undefined method `body' for nil:NilClass
I, [2017-08-16T14:11:31.899000 #6510] INFO -- : Attempting to send 1 request
I, [2017-08-16T14:11:31.909000 #6510] INFO -- : Sending GET request to http://collector.namastetech.me:80/i...
I, [2017-08-16T14:11:31.991000 #6510] INFO -- : GET request to http://collector.namastetech.me:80/i finished with status code 200
F, [2017-08-16T14:11:32.347000 #6510] FATAL -- :
In the config.xml I have log: s3://ntech-snoplow-data/snowplow-log
any idea what could be wrong? did I missed a step or something?
Thanks in advace