React Native Tracker - identifying domain/session/user


I am trying to implement react native tracker for snowplow. I am using this tracker here snowplow-react-native.

My question is, how are network_userid, domain_userid, domain_sessionid generated using this react native tracker?

Here is what I encounter for those 3:

  • network_userid - I am getting different UUID for every event
  • domain_userid - NULL unless manually preset
  • domain_sessionid - NULL

Hi @aditya,

network_userid is a server-side cookie set by the collector. I wouldn’t expect you to have any value for it on mobile but perhaps there’s something to do with react-native that’s setting it. There are methods to set it in the mobile native trackers so perhaps your implementation has something to do with that.

In any case, you can disregard that field as irrelevant to mobile.

domain_userid and domain_sessionid both come from first party cookies set by the javascript tracker. They’re specific to web tracking and so are also irrelevant to mobile and can be disregarded.

The mobile context should contain the relevant user identifiers for mobile (although off the top of my head I’m not sure whether this is yet a feature of the react-native tracker, it’s in alpha stage of development so there may well be gaps).


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In any case, you can disregard that field as irrelevant to mobile.

Awesome. This is the answer the I am looking for actually. I am not sure whether network_userid is relevant in the context of mobile app (not mobile web).

domain_userid and domain_sessionid both come from first party cookies set by the javascript tracker. They’re specific to web tracking and so are also irrelevant to mobile and can be disregarded

Again, thanks for the clarification.

For the mobile context, I can only find for Android and iOS (Objective-C tracker). I can’t find those for react-native-tracker so probably it is a tracker that is not mature yet for snowplow.

Thanks @Colm for the clarification. It is helpful to know this.

Ah one more thing - I’ve just realised that you may be using one of the community packages for the react native tracker - there’s one that’s based off our node.js tracker (tbh I don’t know if this one’s very stable).

There’s one that datacamp developed, which bridges the mobile tracker’s functionality (which is awesome, but we can’t rely on them to carry the burden of maintenance).

Then there’s our one which is very new, quite experimental (alpha stage), and is basically us picking up the torch from datacamp on their approach (they were kind enough to offer us guidance on the process too).

I’ve posted in another thread with a dump of my notes on getting the latter to run, and I’ll be releasing a new alpha version with some bugfixes very soon (as in, maybe even today all going well).

I’m not sure if that one has the mobile context currently, but if it doesn’t currently, I have a high degree of confidence that it will in future.

Hope that’s useful.

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Definitely very useful to know this. Our team has to assess the newest tracker that is built by Snowplow if we were to incorporate it in our app but without the mobile context to explain mobile-app-related events, we may not have that much incentives to move away from our current community package tracker.

Still, I will be waiting the newest release in excitement.


I’ve tagged you in the feedback thread, but in case anyone stumbles across this one looking for a react-native solution, there’s a new alpha version of our react-native tracker available, which includes the mobile context and screen view tracking.

Install it with npm install @snowplow/react-native-tracker@latest --save.

I saw that thread. Thanks for the notification!