Data not getting saved in azure blob storage

Hi, I am using event trackers with a custom schema but am unable to save files in the blob. Additionally, I am not receiving any errors.

This is what my Event Hub instance is showing:

"api	pc	2025-01-10 08":"43":"26.047	2025-01-10 08":"43":"25.353	2025-01-10 08":"43":05.528	unstruct	6d1996be-cf07-43fe-b4cc-eb5a470c4649		rs-api-main	py-1.0.3	ssc-3.0.1-kafkasink	snowplow-enrich-kafka-3.9.0	uid				d051d683-2c44-48ec-bc5c-e36efb147da1{
            "Sec-Ch-Ua":"\"Not)A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"127\", \"Chromium\";v=\"127\"",
            "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
            "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
}"python-requests/2.31.0																																										2025-01-10 08":"43":24.000{
            "deviceName":"Python Requests",
            "layoutEngineNameVersion":"python-requests 2.31.0",
            "operatingSystemNameVersion":"Cloud ??",
            "webviewAppNameVersionMajor":"Unknown ??",
            "layoutEngineNameVersionMajor":"python-requests 2",
            "agentNameVersionMajor":"Python-Requests 2",
            "operatingSystemNameVersionMajor":"Cloud ??",
            "agentNameVersion":"Python-Requests 2.31.0",
            "useragentFamily":"Python Requests",
            "useragentVersion":"Python Requests 2.31",
}"2025-01-10 08":

Why is this happening and how to resolve it ?

@mike can you please check this ?

I’m not too sure what the question is.

What are you trying to do in Azure? What have you currently set up and how is it configured?