i’m sending some unstructured events using IOS but when i call the snowplow-storage-loader, my custom schema are saved in the atomic.events table and i can’t see my custom properties.
i. I need a different config for snowplow-storage-loader? I’m using just one config shared to emr-etl-runner and snowplow-storage-loader.
Did you deploy table for your self-describing (unstructured) events along with atomic.events? Also can you confirm that your enriched/good bucket is non-empty?
Sorry @carleto, I meant shredded/good (not enriched) bucket. This is a bucket where your data is loading from.
If shredded/good is empty, you should look into shredded/bad and find out what exactly went wrong with your events (each event should result into line in shredded/goodor into error message in shredded/bad.
I don’t understand why the event is using the schema: iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/mobile_context/jsonschema/1-0-1 and not my custom defined schema.
To find out what’s wrong with your shredded items - you need to look at shredded/bad. And if you don’t find there anything related to your event - you need to look at enriched/bad. Each line in those files is error happened during your events shredding (or enrichment). So, first is enrichment step, after follows shredding step which takes all valid events from enriched/good.
Most often problem is that your events you trackers sent are not valid against your JSON Schema and that error should be represented in enriched/bad.
JSON you published above is not an event, it’s a context. Difference between them is that event is atomic entity happened in some point of time and contexts are auxiliary entities that can accompany events (so one event may have zero or more contexts). Both contexts and events are expressed with self-describing JSONs. You can find more information here if you want. This particular context could accompany page_view event.