SQL Runner 0.10.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of SQL Runner version 0.10.0.

This release adds support for setting the QUERY_TAG parameter in Snowflake. This can be achieved through the query_tag target parameter in your playbooks:

- :name:      "my Snowflake database"
  :type:      "snowflake"
  :query_tag:  "example"

The query_tag is set on the session level and is applied for all queries in the playbook.

This release also bumps several dependencies to their latest versions, including major upgrades for the go-pg and YAML libraries. It also applies minor changes to the SQL Runner error messages.

Upgrading to v0.10.0

Upgrading is as simple as using the latest binaries released.
Even though v0.10.0 is not strictly backwards compatible, there is no other action needed to upgrade, as long as your playbooks contain valid YAML syntax.



  • Add ability to set QUERY_TAG session parameter in Snowflake(#201)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix out of range panic on invalid runQuery argument (#210)
  • Prevent exiting from goroutine (#202)

Under the hood:

  • Update dependencies (#195)
  • Update Snowflake Driver (#196)
  • Upgrade go-pg/pg to v10 (#203)
  • Upgrade yaml library (#206)
  • Fix go get deprecation warning (#205)
  • Fix linter issues (#204)
  • Exit on flags parsing error (#208)
  • Fail fast on invalid playbook (#207)