Snowtype v0.10.0 released!

Snowtype v0.10.0 released! :boom:

Compile time and runtime property rules validation

Event Specifications provide the ability for you to specify how each, event or entity, schema property will be populated. This is done through the implementation instructions capability.

Snowtype will now generate types/classes based on the property rules you have set for each specific instruction. This will allow you to further guarantee input data quality and create domain-specific data with confidence.

The new types/classes for implementation instructions will include the Event Specification name as suffix so no conflicts will occur.

For example:
In an Event Specification called Related a product schema which has implementation instructions will generate the ProductRelated TypeScript type fitting the instructions set.

We have also added the validation at runtime using our client-side validation feature.

E-commerce mobile Data Product template integration

With the release of the new E-commerce mobile Data Product template, we provide a full integration with Snowtype for both our Android and Swift trackers. Also the API is fully aware of any additional custom entities on your e-commerce event specifications.

Kotlin example:

val baseEvent = TransactionEvent(...)
val event = baseEvent.toTransactionSpec()
// Track as an event

Swift example:

let baseEvent = TransactionEvent(...)
let event = baseEvent.toTransactionSpec()
// Track as an event

Minor changes

  • Use the new Data Products API endpoint /v2, and replace the tracking-scenarios API with the event-specs API.