We’re pleased to be announcing a new Scala Tracker release, v1.0.1, which bumps loads of dependencies! It also moves publishing from Bintray to Maven Central and tidies up a few other bits and bobs too.
Published 1.0.1 on Maven Central
To upgrade, bump your built.sbt
to use 1.0.1
. Setup documentation is available here.
Bump http4s to 0.22.4 (#171)
Bump iglu-core to 1.0.1 (#170)
Add MiMa (#169)
Bump sbt-scoverage to 1.8.2 (#168)
Switch publishing from Bintray to Maven Central (#167)
Bump scalacheck to 1.15.4 (#166)
Bump specs2 to 4.12.3 (#165)
Bump slf4j to 1.7.32 (#164)
Bump http4s to 0.22.3 (#163)
Bump circe to 0.14.1 (#162)
Bump Scala to 2.13.6 and 2.12.14 (#161)
Bump cats-effect to 2.5.3 (#160)
Switch from sbt-scalafmt-coursier to sbt-scalafmt (#159)
Bump sbt to 1.5.5 (#158)