@jrpeck1989 As of r100 the value is just hashed. It is not randomised, meaning it is not substituted with a random value. Each value is then replaced with it’s hash. The original value is not kept in the enrichment, but could possibly be retrieved from raw logs if those logs are not discarded.
In a later release, there will be the option (which will need to be enabled) to keep the mapping of the original value to its hash, but that would be kept separate from the rest of the data as good practice would advise that this information which constitutes PII of the data subject, should only be used with due justification and when consent is given by the data subject. That feature will be in an upcoming release.
Additionally, in a later release we will add the capability to easily scrub data from preexisting data on S3 (Removing PII form Redshift can currently be done as shown in this tutorial: GDPR: Deleting customer data from Redshift [tutorial])