As as second step, you should change the super API key for the Iglu schema registry that is bundled with Snowplow Mini. This API key can be changed via the Control Plane tab.
Looking at the screenshot, it looks like the UI hasn’t built correctly for some reason. Besides all the missing content, the P in the header seems rather odd.
I’d second @mike’s suggestion of looking for console errors in the browser, that should give a clue as to whats happening.
I’d suggest trying to force the UI to rebuild by trashing the current UI build, although it would be quite odd that this failed to build in such a way. This isn’t something I’ve experienced before.
Either way, you can try to:
Run vagrant destroy
Navigate to snowplow-mini/provisioning/resources/ui/ and delete dist and node_modules folders.
Then run vagrant up again from the snowplow-mini folder
snowplow-mini.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: react_alert_1.default is not a constructor
at Object.9../AlertOptions (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at o (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at snowplow-mini.js:1
at Object.2../ControlPlaneComponents/AddDomainName (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at o (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at snowplow-mini.js:1
at Object.1../components/ControlPlane (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at o (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at r (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at snowplow-mini.js:1
Also, if following @PaulBoocock’s recommendation does not work, do you mind deleting local copy of the repository and clone from scratch and let us know how it goes?
I’ve seen many anomalies with Mini but this is the first time I see a P prepended to the header, which made me recommend to start from scratch, using our own repository.
@oguzhanunlu@PaulBoocock@mike That P in the header was something I added just to see if the html is loading properly. Sorry for the confusion.
I’ve followed these steps:
Run vagrant destroy
Navigate to snowplow-mini/provisioning/resources/ui/ and delete dist and node_modules folders.
Then run vagrant up again from the snowplow-mini folder
but the UI is the same with the same error as I posted above:
Uncaught TypeError: react_alert_1.default is not a constructor
at Object.10../AlertOptions (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at o (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at snowplow-mini.js:1
at Object.3../ControlPlaneComponents/AddDomainName (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at o (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at snowplow-mini.js:1
at Object.2../components/ControlPlane (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at o (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at r (snowplow-mini.js:1)
at snowplow-mini.js:1
@oguzhanunlu After cloning the repo again it worked ! (I don’t understand why since I haven’t done any changes besides adding that HTML P so it feels odd but I am glad it works now Many thanks for your timely help guys ! Much appreciated
@oguzhanunlu I wonder if we should add some simple UI tests for the React components in CI to try and catch any potential UI regressions in the future?
@petar Are you able to create this as a new thread on Discourse (this makes it easier for people to search for any issues and find threads on that topic)?