Snowplow Mini 0.13.4 and 0.13.5 released

We have released of versions 0.13.4 and 0.13.5 of Snowplow Mini.

Release notes

We strongly recommend upgrading to 0.13.5, particularly those users of the Cookie Extractor Enrichment or HTTP Header Enrichment as they will both current be unable to extract values if using a 0.13.x version of Snowplow Mini.

These releases upgrade multiple key Snowplow components to versions in which the log4j security vulnerabilities has been addressed and fix an issue where password rules we’re not being enforced as expected (they were too strict!):

Bump stream collector to 2.4.5 (#329)
Fix JAVA_OPTS environment variable in the local docker-compose (#326)
Bump elasticsearch loader to 1.0.4 (#325)
Bump stream enrich to 2.0.5 (#324)
Bump stream collector to 2.4.4 (#323)
Change implementations of zxcvbn (#328)


The Snowplow Mini repo is here.
Setup guides are also available in the Documentation: