Snowplow Micro 1.1.2 released

We have released version 1.1.2 of Snowplow Micro. This release updates the Stream Collector and Enrich libraries, which in turn bumps several underlying dependencies to newer versions. This is a maintenance release, with no expected outward change in behaviour for Micro.

JAR files

Starting from this release, the Snowplow Micro asset will be published as a jar file attached to the Github release page. This means that Micro can be launched directly using the java runtime:

$  java -jar snowplow-micro-1.1.2.jar --collector-config example/micro.conf --iglu example/iglu.json

This complements the previously supported method of running Micro from a docker image:

$ docker run --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/example,destination=/config -p 9090:9090 snowplow/snowplow-micro:1.1.2 --collector-config /config/micro.conf --iglu /config/iglu.json