We are pleased to announce Snowplow iOS Tracker 1.3.0
This release introduces Global Contexts, GDPR contexts and support for the Swift Package Manager.
It’s a big step forward for the feature-parity of the mobile trackers. Global contexts and GDPR support were long-waited features. Also, we added Swift Package Manager support, thanks to a contribution of the community. It completes the set of dependency managers supported.
- Swift Package Manager unable to find headers on subfolders (#503) (Contribution of @vauxhall)
- Replace deprecated CTTelephonyNetworkInfo methods (#479)
- Fix deprecated CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes (#493)
- Fix deprecated keyWindow (#492)
- Update Technical Docs link (#443)
- Update copyright (#499)
- Add GDPR context (#425)
- Add support for global contexts (#357)
- Add Swift Package Manager support (#474) (Contribution of @vauxhall)
- Events processing refactoring (#489)
is available on Cocoapods.
The project’s source code can be found here.