Snowplow event recovery - emr recovery errors

Hi team,

I manage to run the latest snowplow event recovery on aws when there is only one bad event.

However when there are multiple bad events, e.g. multiple schema violation bad events, when I supply multiple recovery objects, it fails to recover.

To be specific, this is the config that I use:

  "schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/recoveries/jsonschema/4-0-0",
  "data": {
            "op": "Test",
            "path": "$.failure.messages[0].error.dataReports[0].targets[0]",
            "value": {
              "regex": "\"agent\""
            "op": "Test",
            "path": "$.failure.messages[0].error.dataReports[0].targets[0]",
            "value": {
              "regex": "\"reaui\""

If I only keep one recovery object with the bad events, then it work. However, when I put it together, then it failed with the error message:

error : Failed to load recovery configuration for iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.badrows/schema_violations/jsonschema/2-0-0. No schema-configuration mapping found.

I didn’t find any clue from the official documentation. Thank you if you could spot any potential errors.

Hi @JK_CAI, could you please clarify what .jar version are you using? The latest one is 0.3.1: Release Version 0.3.1 (2020-09-10) · snowplow-incubator/snowplow-event-recovery · GitHub

Hi @Yulia , yes, i am using 0.3.1

@Yulia Hi, thinking is there any updates for this issue? Cheers