Snowplow Elixir tracker

Snowplow has a library for a lot of languages… Sadly, one of those languages is not Elixir. We are deploying a new app in Elixir, and redeveloping others in Elixir, so I’m wondering if there’s just an API that I can hit to track events? Or how could I integrate Snowplow into our Elixir apps?


Unfortunately there’s no officially supported Elixir tracker but there is a unofficial one that is modern enough to include most features (i.e., self-describing events).

If you want to hand roll your own there is also an API and envelope for events called the tracking protocol. It’s reasonably straightforward and just involves encoding your events as parameters (for GET) or as a JSON payload (for POST). There is some more information on the tracking protocol here.

That library is actually too outdated to use. I attempted to include it in my project with a dependency version conflict. I tried upgrading it’s dependencies, and the plugin itself failed while attempting to start the app, so it’s unusable with anything current.

I ended up rolling our own app to handle data ingestion and processing as that was the easier path forward.