Snowplow Collector Authentication

Hi Brandon,
in case a web application firewall (WAF) or CDN like Akamai, Cloudflare etc. is already in place on the website, it makes a lot of sense to route the Snowplow endpoint through the WAF/CDN, because you can:

  • create filter rules (e.g. host, request path, ISP, country etc.)
  • circumvent Safari ITP
  • detect and block bot or enrich the requests with additional headers to filter downstream (e.g triggered WAF rules, proxy detection etc.)
  • setup DoS prevention
  • etc.

We have this in place with Akamai incl. Akamai Bot Manager and I can definitely recommend it.

Edit: there was already a similar question with insightful answers: Snowplow JS Authentication - #6 by matus

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