Snowplow browser fields blank in bigquery

Hello Experts,
We have setup our SP on GCP GKE and I was looking at the good_events table and was able to see that most of the browser fields that starts with br_* are blank, except the ones that has values shown below.

  "br_name": null,
  "br_family": null,
  "br_version": null,
  "br_type": null,
  "br_renderengine": null,
  **"br_lang": "en-US",**
  "br_features_pdf": null,
  "br_features_flash": null,
  "br_features_java": null,
  "br_features_director": null,
  "br_features_quicktime": null,
  "br_features_realplayer": null,
  "br_features_windowsmedia": null,
  "br_features_gears": null,
  "br_features_silverlight": null,
  **"br_cookies": "true",**
  **"br_colordepth": "24",**
  **"br_viewwidth": "1280",**
  **"br_viewheight": "619"**

In this doc Understanding the structure of Snowplow data | Snowplow Documentation
Under Browser Fields, for the fields that show null, it is mentioned (not available in BDP Cloud) , does that mean these fields will not be populated for opensource snowplow as well?

Which tracker and version are you using to track events? I believe in the latest version of the Javascript tracker some of these fields (e.g., br_features_*) are only populated with the browser features plugin (which is now deprecated due to it using an old API).

br_name, family etc come from the useragentutils enrichment which has also been deprecated. You can get this information and more from the maintained YAUAA enrichment.

HI @mike ,

We are currently using version v3.4.0, and yes trying to figure out why some of these br_* fields are null.
I have added User Agent Parser Enrichment which seems to populate fields using the useragent input field.

Yep - so this will be because the plugin is disabled by default. You can enable the plugin if you want but generally these features aren’t particularly useful as the underlying browser APIs don’t necessarily return the correct / consistent data.

aah, ok so for consistent data, your suggestion would be to use YAUAA enrichment right?