Snowplow Android and iOS trackers v6.0.1 released

Bug fixes!

For both Android and iOS trackers, the media tracking PercentProgress event now includes the percent progress. For iOS, you can now successfully use a custom EventStore, as we have made the EmitterEvent constructor public. Finally, for Android, the screen state is updated correctly, so that events always have the screen entity data from the previous screen view.

Bug fixes


  • Fix wrong screen entity info assigned for screen end event and in case events are tracked right before screen view (#673)
  • Add percent progress to event (#662)


  • Make EmitterEvent constructor public (#876)
  • Add percent progress to event (#875)

Snowplow Android Tracker version 6.0.1 is available on Maven Central .
The project’s source code can be found here .

Snowplow iOS Tracker version 6.0.1 is available through Swift Package Manager and Cocoapods .
The project’s source code can be found here .

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