Snowflake loader failing

We have a Snowflake Loader job that is failing with EMR error:

Unhandled runtime exception. Failed to access remote file: token expired. Please check your credentials

The transformer job is running correctly. Loader version is 0.6.0.

Any suggestion how to fix this issue?

Here is the playbook.json file:

                "name":"Snowflake Transformer",
                   "{{base64File "./snowflake-loader.json"}}",
                   "{{base64File "./resolver.json"}}"
                "name":"Snowflake Loader",
                   "{{base64File "./snowflake-loader.json"}}",
                   "{{base64File "./resolver.json"}}"
          "tags":[ ]

Looks like an authentication error - perhaps check whether the credentials you’re using have access to all the S3 locations they need?

I set up that user with full access to S3, still getting the same error

Hi @vladimir.ilic,

I suspect this error is about DynamoDB, wherer Transformer and Loader store their state.

It is fixed. Issue was role sessionDuration in snowflake-loader.json file. It was set to 900 seconds, which was not enough. Thanks.