Small gaps in geo_country enrichments

I observe a picture where for the same user with the same user_ipaddress the geo fields are not enriched. For example, for a few events (and minutes) everything was fine, then the event (or events) was not enriched (nulls in geo attributs), then everything was fine again.

I’ve noticed this for just a few (5-10) user_ipaddress per day, but it bothers me that I can’t explain why this might be happening.

For enrichment geo_country we use GeoIP2 City Database

I haven’t really seen this happen before - and this seems less likely to happen particularly as the LRU cache should be storing these (unless it’s a very high volume pipeline) for quite some time.

Are you running multiple versions of enrich, what configuration do you currently have setup for the GeoIP enrichment?

Hello, Mike!

We use group of enrichers with the same version of enrich.


	"schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ip_lookups/jsonschema/2-0-0",

	"data": {

		"name": "ip_lookups",
		"vendor": "com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow",
		"enabled": true,
		"parameters": {
			"geo": {
				"database": "GeoLite2-City.mmdb",
				"uri": "s3://our_bucket/maxmind_new"

Do you use the assetsUpdatePeriod setting in your enricher config? I’m not aware of any issues with that feature, but if there’s a cadence it might line up?

jethron, yes, assetsUpdatePeriod is one day

We think it could happen because of random start time of rise machine in group: one machine is updated and can enrich event, another new machine rises, does not have time to update the ip base and does not enrich.