Sending unstructured events + Schemas

JSON schema is used to validate data indeed. However, it is not correct to say “so that the storage process knows where/how to save the event data”. If you mean Redshift, JSONPaths are used to instruct Redshift on how to load the self-describing events and contexts (which are in JSON format after being shred as opposed to TSV format which is what atomic data is).

The following post might clarify shredding and loading to Redshift further: Home · snowplow/snowplow Wiki · GitHub.

There are quite a few tutorials in this forum that you can find. Here are some of them as well as wiki post to start with

Setting up Iglu Server is very easy when it comes to the static server (there are different types to choose from). It’s just storage on the web where the files (JSON schemas) are accessed via standard HTTP. If we take AWS, just place the files in the appropriate folders in the bucket and set it to be accessible on the internet.

The links I have already pointed out to could be a good starting point. As Colm mentioned, Snowplow Mini is a good tool to test your implementation of JSON schemas.

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