Background: Using opensource version - self hosted on my GCP VPC
Testing snowplow tracking locally. I was able to send pageview and structured events to my GCP warehouse, however, unable to send a self-describing custom event locally. Anyone else run into this issue? How did you resolve it?
Successful in uploading and updating schema with no errors (used lint method to validate).
This is how i’m calling the method trackSelfDescribingEvent. Before this, I invoke the newTracker method with my collector url. Does this look correct?
Good spot - the resolver is trying to resolve your custom schema against Iglu rather than your Iglu repository which should use the same hostname as you are uploading your schema too.
The hostname should be the hostname for your Iglu server - that is wherever you pushed your schema to in the first image.
Your tracking code won’t need to change but your resolver config (as part of your enrichment configuration) should point to this Iglu Server as well to ensure it can find the schemas you are hosting.
Hi! I’m working with Kim on this, and specifically trying to the SSL certificate side of it to work. When it comes to the Iglu resolver, to our knowledge, that was set up by Terraform right? We followed the quick start guide to get our iglu server and iglu pipeline running (the quick start guide for the community edition using GCP), so we were aware that the resolver is not something we have to set up manually - is this not the case?
Hi @kdrabh as long you have set these values correctly to your Iglu Server and have uploaded your schemas into that Iglu Server then the resolver should be correct for your deployment.
I am also trying to push the custom json schema to iglu server but I am not able to figure it out because when we used the api request to generate the keygen for the create and delete for the iglu server we got the error says {“message”:“Not sufficient privileges to create keys”}.
When we are using the igluctl it the error is “JSON schema in [./myschema.json] does not correspond to its metadata [iglu:com.acme/test_schema/jsonschema/1-0-0]
Cannot read [./myschema.json]: no valid JSON Schemas”
Just want to know how did you push your schema to the Iglu Server?