Mobile Trackers version 3.2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of our mobile trackers: Snowplow iOS Tracker and Android Tracker version 3.2.0.

The trackers now make use of the client_session schema version 1-0-2, which adds two new properties to the session context entity – eventIndex (index of the event in the session) and firstEventTimestamp (timestamp of the first event in the session). The event index property is useful for ordering events as they were tracked.

The release also changes the behaviour for 5 HTTP status codes (400, 401, 403, 410, and 422) that, when received in response from the Collector, will now cause the tracker not to retry sending events (i.e., drop the events). Requests with all other 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx status codes are retried. The set of status codes for which events should be retried or not is customizable in EmitterConfiguration. The following shows the configuration in the Android tracker:

EmitterConfiguration emitterConfiguration = new EmitterConfiguration();
Map<Integer, Boolean> retryRules = new HashMap<>();
retryRules.put(403, true); // retry for the 403 HTTP status code

Finally, the release adds support for storing cookies set by the Collector in the Android tracker (iOS tracker already had the support). This means that the network_userid property set by the Collector is now kept consistent among events tracked by the same tracker. Cookies are stored in shared preferences with an option to provide a custom cookie jar.

Android tracker


  • Add eventIndex and firstEventTimestamp properties to client sessions (#517)
  • Add a customizable set of failure HTTP status codes for which collector requests should not be retried (#518)
  • Add support for storing cookies in NetworkConnection (#519)

Under the hood:

  • Update Android target SDK version to 31 (#526)
  • Bump okhttp3 to 4.10.0, play-services-analytics to 18.0.1, and gson to 2.9.0 (#520)

iOS tracker


  • Add eventIndex and firstEventTimestamp properties to client sessions (#682)
  • Add a customizable set of failure HTTP status codes for which collector requests should not be retried (#684)

Snowplow Android Tracker version 3.2 is available on Maven Central.
The project’s source code can be found here.

Snowplow iOS Tracker version 3.2 is available on Cocoapods.
The project’s source code can be found here.