Is it possible to connect snowplow-enrich and snowplow-collector to kafka which is not in the same network?

I’ve managed to build snowplow using docker and connect it to kafka which is built in the same network as snowplow-enrich and snowplow-collector. However, when i connect snowplow-enrich and snowplow-collector to existed kafka which stays outside of the network, i got an error:

[main] WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=enrich] Connection to node 1 could not be established. Broker may not be available.
[kafka-producer-network-thread | producer-1] WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1 could not be established. Broker may not be available.
[kafka-producer-network-thread | producer-2] WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Producer clientId=producer-2] Connection to node 1 could not be established. Broker may not be available.

I’ve changed the brokers in file stream-enrich.hocon and stream-collector.hocon to advertise listener port of my kafka, which is “”
This is my stream-collector.hocon file:

collector {
  # The collector runs as a web service specified on the following interface and port.
  interface = ""
  port = 8080

  p3p {
    policyRef = "/w3c/p3p.xml"

  crossDomain {
    enabled = false
    domains = [ "*" ]
    secure = true

  cookie {
    enabled = false
    expiration = "365 days"
    name = snowplow
    domain = "{{cookieDomain}}"

  doNotTrackCookie {
    enabled = false
    name = snowplow_do_not_track
    value = snowplow_do_not_track_value

  cookieBounce {
    enabled = false
    name = "n3pc"
    fallbackNetworkUserId = "00000000-0000-4000-A000-000000000000"
    forwardedProtocolHeader = "X-Forwarded-Proto"

  redirectMacro {
    enabled = false
    placeholder = "[TOKEN]"

  # Customize response handling for requests for the root path ("/").
  # Useful if you need to redirect to web content or privacy policies regarding the use of this collector.
  rootResponse {
    enabled = false
    statusCode = 302
    # Optional, defaults to empty map
    headers = {
        Location = "",
        X-Custom = "something"
    # Optional, defaults to empty string
    body = "302, redirecting"

  streams {
    # Events which have successfully been collected will be stored in the good stream/topic
    good = snowplow_raw_good

    # Events that are too big (w.r.t Kinesis 1MB limit) will be stored in the bad stream/topic
    bad = snowplow_raw_bad

    useIpAddressAsPartitionKey = false

    # Enable the chosen sink by uncommenting the appropriate configuration
    sink {
      enabled = kafka
      brokers = ""
      # Or Kafka
      ## Number of retries to perform before giving up on sending a record
      retries = 1

    # Incoming events are stored in a buffer before being sent to Kinesis/Kafka.
    # The buffer is emptied whenever:
    # - the number of stored records reaches record-limit or
    # - the combined size of the stored records reaches byte-limit or
    # - the time in milliseconds since the buffer was last emptied reaches time-limit
    buffer {
      byteLimit = 1000000
      recordLimit = 0 # Not supported by Kafka; will be ignored
      timeLimit = 100000

akka {
  loglevel = DEBUG # 'OFF' for no logging, 'DEBUG' for all logging.
  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]

  http.server {
    remote-address-header = on

    raw-request-uri-header = on

    # Define the maximum request length (the default is 2048)
    parsing {
      max-uri-length = 32768
      uri-parsing-mode = relaxed

And this is my stream-enrich.hocon

enrich {

  streams {

    in {
      # Stream/topic where the raw events to be enriched are located
      raw = snowplow_raw_good

    out {
      # Stream/topic where the events that were successfully enriched will end up
      enriched = snowplow_enriched_good
      # Stream/topic where the event that failed enrichment will be stored
      bad = snowplow_enriched_bad
      partitionKey = event_id

    sourceSink {
      enabled =  kafka
      # Minimum and maximum backoff periods, in milliseconds
      brokers = ""
      backoffPolicy {
         minBackoff = 200
         maxBackoff = 1000

      # Or Kafka (Comment out for other types)
      # Number of retries to perform before giving up on sending a record
      retries = 1

    buffer {
      byteLimit = 1000000
      recordLimit = 0 # Not supported by Kafka; will be ignored
      timeLimit = 100000

    appName = "enrich"

My docker-compose.yml

version: '3'

        container_name: iglu
        image: nginx
            - "81:80"
            - ./iglu:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro
        command: /bin/bash -c "echo 'autoindex on;' > /etc/nginx/conf.d/autoindex.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
        restart: unless-stopped

        container_name: stream-collector 
        command: [ "--config", "/snowplow/config/stream-collector.hocon" ]
            - "8080:8080"
            - ./config:/snowplow/config
            - "SP_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
        # extra_hosts: 
        #     - "host:"
        restart: unless-stopped

        container_name: stream-enrich
        command: [
            "--config", "/snowplow/config/stream-enrich.hocon",
            "--resolver", "file:/snowplow/config/resolver.json",
            "--enrichments", "file:/snowplow/config/enrichments",
            - stream-collector
            - iglu
            - ./config:/snowplow/config
            - "SP_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
            - "host:"
        restart: unless-stopped

Hi @vuviethung1998 it looks to me like you’re trying to use an external ip assigned in your local network to your docker host machine. That might not work in docker. I’d say depending on your topology you should use docker service hostnames or use docker0 ip to get it running.

Thanks for your help. I have tried using hostname and docker0 as you said but nothing works

This looks very unusual. I’m pretty sure I’ve been running a similar setup in the past (with all the components but collector dockerized) I’ll look for the config I used.